"Special Bunnies" are an adorable Love & Friendship & Valentine inspired High-Quality Clear Polymer Stamp Set made in the USA.
Our Pairables are super fun to coordinate and mix & match them with other sets to build many different card designs, scrapbook pages, and/or paper crafting projects.
Perfect for coloring with markers, watercolors, and pencils, etc... for DIY card making, scrapbooking, and other paper crafts projects.
Use them alone or pair them for endless possibilities!
Special Bunnies 6x8 Clear Stamp Set
Point of Reference:
Bunnies approximately 2.5" Tall
Some Bunny Love You
Hugs & Kisses
Sending Oodles of Love
Some Bunny Special
Friends Fur-ever
Coordinating Products:
"Special Bunnies" Die Set
"Little Darling" Pattern Paper
"My Sweet Valentine" Pattern Paper